Register for the
2025 SuperConference in
Orlando, FL

A $6,675 Value for Only $295

1x SuperConference Ticket $295 USD
Total: $295 USD

JUDGE AND LEAVE 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: If you attend the full first day of the Conference (Thursday, Apr 3 from 9 AM-5 PM) and cannot clearly see how you will make at least one more transaction in the next 12 months, email us by 5:15 PM on Thursday, Apr 3 and we will credit your credit card for a 100% refund of your entire fee.

* Please debit my credit / debit card in the amount specified. Applicable taxes in all cases are extra. CP Seminars Limited Partnership reserves the right to reschedule this event. Participants may transfer their registration one time with a $50 transfer fee. Please note this must be done at least 14 days prior to your scheduled event. By submiting this form it certifies I am an authorized user of this credit card and that I will not dispute the payment with my credit card company. All sales are final and non-refundable. (currency exchange rates & service charges may apply)

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