Here's What You'll Get:
EVERYTHING YOU GET IN COACHING: You lose NOTHING You Already Have ($11,995 annual value).
THE $4 MILLION GCI BUSINESS PLAN: This PLATINUM Business Plan comes completely filled out, with exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, so you can go from where you are now to your dream business faster ($1,995 annual value).
THE PLATINUM LEVEL SYSTEMS: Over 80 Exclusive PLATINUM File Libraries packed full of over 3000 pieces of Top Craig Proctor Platinum Member implementation examples to copy and implement ($7,995 annual value)
THE PLATINUM PROGRESSION CONSULTS: Designed to progress YOU toward a Business that earns you a very rewarding income, where you can take plenty of time off to pursue outside interests, while being a force for good in your community ($2,995 annual value)!
THE PLATINUM LEVEL COACHING: with Platinum Coach Craig Proctor ($11,995 annual value):
THE PLATINUM PRIVATE GROUP FACEBOOK PAGE: The largest gathering of same system Millionaire Agents in the world today! Network, share referrals, mastermind and learn from top Craig Proctor System PLATINUM Members ($1,995 annual value).
THE PLATINUM OSA, ISA TRAINING COURSES and WORKSHOPS: Imagine you just joined Craig Proctor's team… what happens next in the way of training? Not only do you receive this extensive training, but your people do too ($2,995 value).
THE GUARANTEED SALE PROGRAM MATERIALS AND TRAINING. The #1 USP in real estate plus the #1 training on how to implement and scale it so you can dominate as a Listing Powerhouse ($7,995 value)!
The PLATINUM CAUSE REFERRAL MARKETING SYSTEM and TRAINING: A complete done-for-you marketing system delivered monthly will allow you to get at least one new referral a year from every client for life ($3,995 annual value)!
QUARTERLY 'INHOUSE' LIFETIME CUSTOMER NEWSLETTER and TRAINING: The #1 Turn-Key System for increasing the frequency that clients come back and buy from you (helping your clients increase wealth investing in real estate ($1,995 annual value).
HOW TO GET AND USE VENDOR MONEY: This system allows you to get other businesses to pay you thousands every month. Use this money to cover marketing and system investments ($995 annual value).
PLATINUM HOME TOUR MARKETING SYSTEMS: Step by Step on how to get dozens of prospects in one hour or less with the weekend tour of homes, virtual tour of homes and everyday open house systems ($995 annual value).
THE PLATINUM VIP BUYER SYSTEMS including the PLATINUM VIP Buyer Presentation, how to set, negotiate, collect your premium fee, and win every time, in a multiple offer war ($2,995 value).
THE PLATINUM VIP SELLER SYSTEMS including the PLATINUM Listing Presentation, How to Leverage Listings to Get More Listings, Platinum Sales, and Customer Service Systems ($2,995 annual value)!
THE PLATINUM FIVE STAR REVIEW SYSTEM: How to get Five Star Reviews from every client when they buy or sell AND when they do business with your vendors ($995 annual value)!
EXCLUSIVE PLATINUM PRE-SELLING SYSTEMS: access to the #1 Pre-Selling Systems in Real Estate, like The BOMB, The Ultimate Converters, RBID and House Talk ! ($7,995 annual value)!
INCOME INCREASE GUARANTEE: Every Platinum Member is Guaranteed to increase their income by at least $100K in the next 12 months or receive a full refund of their program fee (pending mutual approval on completion of the "First Six Months Checklist").